SCB Stamp Collecting Blog - the premier resource for exclusive stamp information and news

Updates & support for SCB

This is index page for articles about Updates & support for SCB . Please review the links below:

Goodbye 2020, hello 20214
Just a quick heads up on what's happening2
The cost of running SCB - 2018 financial summary reviewed4
Merry Christmas folks6
Misuse of free trial - and why it has to end21
Summer break3
No article in week or two10
Goodbye 2017, Hello 20184
A Christmas tale7
Finland Independence Day Sweepstake: win stamp catalog & stamp mixtures40
You can now listen SCB4
Goodbye 2016, Hello 201712
SCB Reader Survey 2016 - your feedback (or should I say Letters to the editor)0
SCB Reader Survey 2016 - the results0
Stamp № 100,00014
SCB 2016 update is here16
Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016 - End of an Era22
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 20168
Is SCB making it or breaking it?29
SCB Facebook page now open6
SCB turns six - a new look and some new features8
Towards 100,000 stamps and other plans for 201523
SCB Summer Camp: Filling spaces project10
Happy holidays to readers of SCB2
Merry Christmas and Happy new Year 201324
75,000 stamps and counting, and other misc tidbits from the summer14
My exchange & blog take a break because of health issues (again)67
A sad day23
Third anniversary - happy birthday SCB!10
State of my stamp collection 2011/201215
Season's greetings18
Summer break 201214
What makes a happy stamp collector?33
65 Degrees North2
Merry Christmas3
I'm back...With review of SOTW 2010 and misc stamp related tidbits4
Collecting stamps in 2030 AD20
Random stamp stories1
Winter holiday 2010 feelings3
October 2009 Survey - long or short articles?9
I'm not a postcrosser16
Ask anything about SCB newsletter22
Misc updates, notices etc.68
The beginning0

All original content and images of this blog is under copyright protection; any kind of reproduction of full contents without permission of the owner is hereby denied. All Rights Reserved © Keijo Kortelainen, 2009-2025 unless otherwise stated. All photos of stamps in this blog are enlargements or reductions of original stamps from private collection of author of the blog (unless otherwise stated). The designs of stamps and postmarks are copyright of issuing postal authorities and their designers. The comments / discussion on this blog are copyright of their retrospective authors, and represent the opinion of their authors. When submitting content of any type to this Website, you agree that you assign to this Website and its successors perpetual and unlimited license free of charge to host, store, publish, reproduce, publicly display or otherwise use any content and materials of any type provided or contributed by You. Catalog numbers (Scott, Michel, SG etc) are the copyrighted property of their publishers. | See our privacy policy