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Reboot ramblings

Reboot ramblings

What’s it like to reboot stamp collecting after a three year break? One thing for sure is that there is lots of catching up to do. Thus I decided to title this entry of various observations as “reboot ramblings”.

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Rebooting collecting

One of the positive sides of taking a long break from the stamps and collecting and blogging is that it not just gives access to some new perspectives, but also forces to ponder things you might have previously considered self-evident. As I’ve been trying to settle in with my new life in new city, I have painfully acknowledged the reality of there’s so much to do but alas so little time. Or in plain english, I’m feeling that I have been too busy to have time for stamps the same way I had in the past. Before you grab ‘this is the end’ signs, then I can say it’s not.  When there’s a will there’s also a way. Rebooting collecting  will just require just some new approaches and perspectives into how I manage my stamp time and stamp related resources.

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Goodbye 2020, hello 2021

Goodbye 2020, hello 2021

If looking back at 2020, it is very hard to find words other than ‘bizarre’ to describe all that has happened.  COVID19, divorce, moving across the country, picking up a new job…. No surprise I did  not have much time for stamps nor blogging in 2020.  As always there’s the good, the bad, and the ugly – depending on how you look at it.

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Just a quick heads up on what’s happening

Howdy all. I thought I’d do a quick end of summer summary on what’s happening with my life.  Needless to say it’s the past 18 months have been one heck of a “joyride”, but things are finally beginning to normalize.   But lots of changes in my life have happened and many are still happening; many of them things I considered unfathomable even six months back.

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Using a macro lens with smart phone to turn your camera app into digital magnifier/loupe/microscope

Using a macro lens with smart phone to turn your camera app into digital magnifier/loupe/microscope

Here’s one of the tools I’ve used for few years:a 20x clip-on macro lens that fits pretty much any smartphone.  There are dozens of brands selling similar lenses from 10-40€ price range; mine’s pretty much in the middle price range.  Some stamp brands, such as Lighthouse/Leuchtturm got their own equivalents, but IMHO they seem lower grade and quality than those aimed for ‘general photographers’.  I thought I’d show some photographs of what is possible with stamps using a “cheap” macro lens, as well as talk some of the ups and downs compared to scanner vs. digital microscope vs. traditional magnifier/loupe.

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A day at Finnish Postal Museum

A day at Finnish Postal Museum

During my winter holidays I went to three day trip to Tampere, the “Manchester city of Finland”.   My main goal there was spending a day visiting Vapriikki Museum center.  There amongst other museums lies also the Finnish Postal Museum.  All in all I wasn’t expecting too much as I acknowledge the main goal of Postal Museum is not with stamps nor stamp collecting, but history of postal services.

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Stamp collecting and cognitive biases

Stamp collecting and cognitive biases

I’m sure most of us stamp collectors know a lot about stamps. But I have a gut feeling that very few of us know very little if nothing about cognitive biases. Before my ongoing crash course with human psychology, I had no clue what the term meant in practice, even though as hindsight I can say it has influenced and shaped my life, stamps included to very large extend. In nutshell cognitive biases are mental shortcuts (aka. heuristics) that our brains use to handle vast amounts of data around us as quickly as possible. It sounds like a perfect match for every worldwide stamp collector.

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Getting back to stamps and collecting (and blogging)

Getting back to stamps and collecting (and blogging)

Life can be a bit of mysterious creature, and never did I imagine taking a one year break from stamps and blogging. But so did happen. As I’ve been rebuilding myself, reconnecting with myself, I’ve realized I’ve been given quite a unique change to re-approach pretty much everything in my life. All in all I’m still very much in middle of lengthy process (aka life), so I really don’t know what the final outcome of all this will be some day. But I do know stamps, collecting and writing about all of it will remain part of my of future regardless of events.

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Stamps and collecting as therapy (pt.2): shame and vulnerability

Stamps and collecting as therapy (pt.2): shame and vulnerability

This article is not strictly stamp / collecting related, but more about life, and especially life of particular stamp collector in times of personal hardships. This is somewhat up, close and personal stuff, but that should not come as surprise to anyone who has followed SCB for years. What I am about to say is more or less continuity to my previous post.

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Stamps and collecting as therapy

Stamps and collecting as therapy

As long term readers might recall the story of SCB started out when I was experiencing what felt like the biggest crisis of my then life. Well, decade later I am again undergoing yet another ‘biggest crisis of my life’. Talk about déjà vu.  Back on the early days a lot of my writings were not so much about technical side of stamp collecting, but more about the “philosophical” side of collecting and collectors, and this weeks blog roots on those same deep existential waters on what makes us collectors tick.

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