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How to collect stamps - guide to stamp collecting basics

This is index page for articles about How to collect stamps - guide to stamp collecting basics . Please review the links below:

Anatomy of acquired Spanish stamp collection - when 1+1 makes 33
Long postage stamp series of Spain2
8 tips for scanning awesome stamp images5
Beauty and the Beast: Inventorying not just quantity, but also quality of stamps8
Working with Machin stamps18
Stamp Smarter: Buying stamps online internationally7
Choosing proper storing and housing solution for worldwide stamp collection - the grand cost comparison, 2017 edition30
Poll: Stamps or knowledge. Which should come first?38
Postage stamp identification tricks and tips8
Fifteen-thousand different worldwide postage stamps for 40€ - a deal too good to be true?6
Three practical tips every stamp collector can use to supercharge the way they collect19
Review of Edwin Delsing's 'Qualität von Briefmarken'6
Is the cost of becoming a stamp collector too high for the kids of today?26
Good stamp buy vs. bad stamp buy14
South African definitive postage stamps of 1926/1954 - meet the Springbok and other iconic designs3
A new, more detailed look into number of different worldwide postage stamps issued62
Causes of bad teeth (on postage stamps)8
Long postage stamp series - how to keep track of what You have / need?13
Stamps, quality and grading: Quality of cancel / postmark39
Stamps, quality and grading: Quality of print4
Stamps, quality and grading: The basics 4
How to remove cigarette smell from postage stamps (or any other paper product)14
Demystifying CTO (Cancelled To Order) stamps40
Keeping a worldwide stamp collection in order63
Keeping a stamp collection safe from dangers of natural surroundings19
Collecting stamps on a budget19
Setting a value for worldwide stamp collection21
Damn unsoakable (American) postage stamps. Or if you can't soak them, then...86
Numbers game - or how the number of postage stamps issued has grown massively after the 1910s6
Choosing a proper storing and housing solutions for worldwide stamp collection (pt7): summary31
Stock cards for stamps - Choosing a proper storing and housing solutions for worldwide stamp collection (pt6)0
Stock pages for stamps - Choosing a proper storing and housing solutions for worldwide stamp collection (pt5)32
Blank stamp album pages - Choosing a proper storing and housing solutions for worldwide stamp collection (pt4)3
DIY stamp album pages - Choosing a proper storing and housing solutions for worldwide stamp collection (pt3)62
Pre-printed (commercial) stamp album pages - Choosing a proper storing and housing solutions for worldwide stamp collection (pt2)12
Stamp stockbooks - Choosing a proper storing and housing solutions for worldwide stamp collection (pt1)20
In search of perfect stamp exchange recipe10
Keeping track of stamp collection299
Is a complete all-era worldwide stamp collection possible?57
How to soak kiloware - kitchensink philately basics59
A matter of color - identifying stamp colors accurately26
Starting a stamp collection - my story5

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