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Postage stamps and philately of Switzerland (Helvetia)

This is index page for articles about Postage stamps and philately of Switzerland (Helvetia) . Below you find excerpts on available stories. To read the full stories, please subscribe or sign in.

"Technik und Landschaft" Series

Date of  Issue: Aug 01, 1949. Stamps from this series can be found anywhere. One reason for this is that large numbers of some of the denominations have been produced, and another might be that these stamps never expired and can still be used today (this also serves as a reminder that the Swiss currency has been very stable over many decades).  Some of these stamps were amongst the first ones in my childhood collection. I liked them then, and I still do today. I do think that they are beautifully crafted, and in my opinion the design is timeless – it still works today, almost 70 years after they were first introduced. ...(2016 words,6 images, 3 comments)

"Eidgenössisches Kreuz" Series

The stamps in this series are considered “classic stamps of Switzerland” (note after #27 in the 2008 Zumstein catalogue). The classic period ended in 1907 with the first three values of the “Tellknabe”. Many of these stamps are common; however, a number of different versions exist which differ greatly in value. Zumstein as a specialized Swiss (and Liechtenstein) catalogue provides the best classification. ...(714 words,4 images, 10 comments)

Chalky vs ordinary stamp paper

Chalky vs ordinary stamp paperI admit that I am slightly out of my comfort zone when it comes to question of chalky vs. ordinary (or more widely speaking coated vs. uncoated) stamp paper. It is not so much that I would not know the technical difference and a number of ways to spot the differences, but the fact that interpreting the results is always subjective to number of factors, not least of them being personal experience. ...(987 words,4 images, 11 comments)

Thank goodness, they're all Cancelled-To-Order

Thank goodness, they're all Cancelled-To-OrderLike most of the traditionally trained stamp collectors I was taught to frown upon CTO (cancelled-to-order) stamps. As such even today I still prefer a postally used copy over CTO whenever possible. So when I started learning about the history of League of Nations (SdN; Société des Nations) stamps I recently got, I was surprised to find out that for them CTO is the 'norm' whereas anything else frowned upon. ...(660 words,5 images, 5 comments)

Swiss 2009 Pro Juventute postage stamp - die cut error

Swiss 2009 Pro Juventute postage stamp - die cut errorFrom time to time I am asked whether or not I make interesting new finds from my stamp exchanges. Though this may amaze you, the answer is positively yes. Let me show you an example with freaky versions of somewhat recent of Swiss Pro Juventute stamps. ...(234 words,4 images, 0 comments)

Revenue stamp from Ticino

Revenue stamp from TicinoThis is very likely one of the most bizarre back-of-book items in my Swiss stamp collection - some sort of local revenue stamp from Rebublic of Canton Ticino. If you haven't heard of Ticino, don't worry, I'm sure You are not alone, LOL. Ticino is the southernmost canton of Switzerland. Interestingly it is also the only swiss canton in which Italian is the sole official language...And once again I'd like the blog readers to assist me in digging up bits and pieces (like who,why,when etc) about this. ...(164 words,1 images, 6 comments)

Swiss "Schweizerische Landesausstellung" postage stamps of 1939

Swiss Just to display a stamp set I finally managed to complete: Switzerland, 1939 National exposition of Zurich, 1st series. Personally I find these stamps attractive in all senses, as they feature nice design and plenty of small variations to keep hawk-eyed stamp collector alert. The stamps are available in 3 different inscriptions (French, German, Italian), and each value has been printed on different kind of paper (10c smooth, 20c grooved,30c fibers paper). ...(183 words,1 images, 2 comments)

Swiss postage meter stamps

Swiss postage meter stampsNot all stuff that wholeworld collectors like me bumb into are traditional stamps. One example of such material are postage meter stamps / labels such as this item from Switzerland. Usually items as this end up as back-of-book material. ...(187 words,1 images, 5 comments)

Swiss T-cancels on postage stamps stand for postage due

Swiss T-cancels on postage stamps stand for postage dueIn continuance of my exploration with Swiss stamps, I will be displaying Swiss stamps with T-cancel. The T-cancel was primarily used to collect postage due on covers, cards and other postal items. However, like always with my stories there is an interesting philatelic story with twists. ...(222 words,1 images, 0 comments)

Stranger on a strange land - Swiss postage stamp cancelled in UK

Stranger on a strange land - Swiss postage stamp cancelled in UKOne of the reasons I love junky stamp lots is a possibility to find something interesting with very limited budget. Or what would you say about this casual looking Swiss stamp? ...(117 words,1 images, 6 comments)

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