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Postage stamps and philately of Netherlands and related areas

This is index page for articles about Postage stamps and philately of Netherlands and related areas . Below you find excerpts on available stories. To read the full stories, please subscribe or sign in.

Netherlands Antilles postage stamp series "Disberg"

Netherlands Antilles postage stamp series Here's an interesting tidbit that jumped out from a pile of stamps while I was working my way through stamps of Netherland Antilles. I noted definitives of 1958/1959 (which the Dutch call Disberg series after their designer) come with at least two different paper types without the general catalogues saying nothing about the variety. The difference between papers is so obvious that it sticks out even without any kind of tools. ...(375 words,6 images, 12 comments)

Artifacts of war - when philately / stamp collecting and military history collide

Artifacts of war - when philately / stamp collecting and military history collideI love when stamp production and historical events bind together, because it usually provides interesting stories for us later generations to research and study. Such is the case with three stamps below: Ukranian UPP overprints of 1920s, the Spanish 1936 Granada issue, and imperforate Dutch Queen Wilhelmina stamps of 1940s (aka. type Konijnenburg). What's common for all these items is that they are artifacts of war-time conditions, and they all have fallen from philatelic grace because general stamp catalogs provide very little if any recognition to them. Yet, all these items have got interesting historical stories to unveil. ...(999 words,5 images, 4 comments)

Dutch Armenwet (poors law) postage stamps

Dutch Armenwet (poors law) postage stampsI displayed the below Dutch Armenwet stamps first time almost six years back. Back then I didn't know whether or not the stamps I had were forgeries/counterfeits, though I suspected so. Well, now I have some facts to share. On my recent work trip I came across with a library copy of the “De vervalsingen van Nederland en OG” (roughly translates as ‘Forgeries of Dutch stamps’) by P.F.A. van de Loo, 1979), and I took some some photos of it with my phone so that I could study and compare them back home. ...(609 words,4 images, 4 comments)

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