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Postage stamps and philately of Egypt

This is index page for articles about Postage stamps and philately of Egypt . Below you find excerpts on available stories. To read the full stories, please subscribe or sign in.

If you are a postage stamp catalog publisher, the most stupid thing you can do is...

If you are a postage stamp catalog publisher, the most stupid thing you can do is...For the past two weeks I've been browsing the brand new Michel North Africa 2014 catalog. As always with new Michel catalogs, it's pretty excellent piece of work. But this time everything isn't so rosy as Michel has done something that every stamp collector and stamp dealer fears the most: it's re-numbered/re-catalogued the stamps of an entire country. ...(284 words,1 images, 14 comments)

Some revenue stamps of Egypt - need ID help

Some revenue stamps of Egypt - need ID helpOne more post about the topic of Egyptian stamps. Like most worldwide collectors, I occasionally end up with bizarre back-of-book items. Below are various items that I either know or suspect as revenue stamps of Egypt. If any of You blog readers can assist me in identifying these accurately, I'd be very grateful (I know there's "The Catalogue of Egyptian Revenue Stamps" by Peter Feltus that likely lists all or some of these). ...(165 words,3 images, 7 comments)

Some interesting variations on modern Egyptian postage stamps

Some interesting variations on modern Egyptian postage stampsMoving on with the topic of Egyptian postage stamps, below are some minor variations from my collection of Egyptian stamps. Nothing extremely rare or difficult to come by, just some nice looking freaks that stand out when you have them side-by-side with regular copy. ...( 0 comments).

King Farouk of Egypt postage stamps obliterated

King Farouk of Egypt postage stamps obliteratedWhen monarchies and regimes fall, it usually means interesting times for us stamp collectors. Following the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, a range of Egyptian definitive stamps with portrait of King Farouk were obliterated (defaced) with three black bars. Like most of the stamp stories I share on this blog, these stamps have more than a quick peek on stamp catalogue might tell. ...(451 words,3 images, 5 comments)

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