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Private and local postage stamps

This is index page for articles about Private and local postage stamps . Below you find excerpts on available stories. To read the full stories, please subscribe or sign in.

Swedish TuristPorto / tourist postage stamps

Swedish TuristPorto / tourist postage stampsThe Swedish tourist postage stamps (aka. TuristPorto in Sweden) were private courier stamps sold exclusively at holiday destinations abroad. Released by Nordic Mail AB (later Swedish and Danish Post) in mid 1990s, these stamps were available to thousands of Scandinavian travelers in Spanish holiday resorts. ...(315 words,3 images, 0 comments)

1877 3d red Samoa Times Express stamp

1877 3d red Samoa Times Express stampThe Samoa Times Express stamps are one of the most valued items in classical philately. So I was quite surprised to find the following stamp in 25€ mixture of old stamps I bought some time ago. As reprints and forgeries of these Samoan Express stamps are much more commonplace than the real thing, I had very low hopes. But to my surprise, it seems I have landed upon a real deal. ...(690 words,3 images, 10 comments)

UK 1971 strike mail letter from Malawi

UK 1971 strike mail letter from MalawiThough I normally don't collect "entire items" (covers, cards etc), here's something I've included to my collection. It's a 1971 cover from Malawi, addressed to United Kingdom during the 1971 postal strike. It features the 1st commonwealth approved "strike mail stamp" as well as a UK local mail delivery vignette. ...(252 words,1 images, 4 comments)

Lundy Puffin postage stamps

Lundy Puffin postage stampsLundy puffin postage stamps are widely known amongst the stamp collectors. The history behind the stamps of Lundy is similar to stamps of Herm Island. ...(526 words,6 images, 47 comments)

Herm Island local stamp -1961 Europa(CEPT)

Herm Island local stamp -1961 Europa(CEPT)I have had this Herm Islands stamp in my albums for few years. It is part of the 1961 Europa (CEPT) set of six different local stamps issued on September 18th 1961. ...(197 words,1 images, 2 comments)

Private local postage stamps of Hamburg

Private local postage stamps of HamburgWhen buying bizarre looking stamps and other postal items (of which I usually know nothing in depth) I often ask myself a simple question “will I ever see a similar item?” When I came across with these beauties few years back, I knew from the start resistance would be futile. And I was right, I haven’t seen similar set ever since. ...(182 words,1 images, 4 comments)

Modern forgery of classic postage stamps: Industrial Exhibition in Madrid (Spain) of 1907

Modern forgery of classic postage stamps: Industrial Exhibition in Madrid (Spain) of 1907This stamp was issued was originally published in 1907 for Madrid Industrial Exhibition in Spain. It is an obligatory fund raiser "stamp" that had to be attached in exhibition mail in addition of regular postage stamps. A complete set contains six different face value stamps with pictures of King Alfonso XIII and Queen Victoria. ...(214 words,2 images, 8 comments)

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