This is index page for articles about Postage stamps and philately of Chile . Below you find excerpts on available stories. To read the full stories, please subscribe or sign in.
A common source of moaning and groaning with many modern era stamp collectors is that there are way too many stamps without a purpose, and they are mostly nothing more than pretty pictures. No doubt there is certain truth to it, but there is one group of stamps which defies the sheer blandness of commercialization. Postal tax stamps are, as their name suggests, a tool of taxation and their issuance and usage is often times strictly governed by legislation and real world needs. With this post I'll dive in with the history of Chilean postal tax stamps. ...(729 words,6 images, 2 comments)
You know the feeling when you think you've found something unusual to your collection? Then moments later you start to doubt it. And then, when you start digging in further, you end up with contradicting information and even more confused than in between. Well, that's what has been happening with me lately, and I must say I was very tempted to title this post as 'when stamp catalogues get it wrong - the sequel. But I think the current working title, confusion over Peru overprints during the War of the Pacific, describes the content even more accurately. ...(1224 words,7 images, 2 comments)
Do you have a question about stamps / philately of Chile? Your questions answered. ...( 4 comments).