This is index page for articles about Postage stamps and philately of Albania . Below you find excerpts on available stories. To read the full stories, please subscribe or sign in.
Though I don't usually include mint or unused items on to my collection, the 1921 Albanian ' Vetëkeverria e Mirditiës' stamps make an unusual and fascinating exception. Republic of Mirdita (aka Mirdite Republic) was a short-lived, self-declared republic in northern Albania; it existed from July 17 to November 20, 1921. Depending on the resource, the stamps of Mirdita are deemed either as complete bogus/fantasy stamps or unissued locals of uncertain origin; at the moment none of the major stamp catalogs list them besides (illustrated) footnotes about their highly questionable status. I don't have the knowledge to judge these either or, so I'm just enjoying their 'rough beauty' and the challenges they provide for the ordinarie stamp collector. Despite of their mixed nature, these make a very attractive collectors item.
...(545 words,5 images, 10 comments)